Everest Three Passes Trek Difficulty

  • Admin
  • Last Updated on Aug 22, 2024

Everest Three Passes Trek is a complete and iconic Himalayan adventure, covering almost entire areas of the Everest region on its circuit route. Everest region is the home to the world’s tallest peak, Mount Everest, at an astounding elevation of 8,848.86 meters. The challenging and adventurous hike of Three Passes lets you explore the remote corners of this most popular mountaineering destination in the world.

The Everest Three Passes Trek is an ideal adventure in the high Himalayas who are seeking a perfect mix of thrill, pristine natural beauty and deep cultural immersion. This otherworldly Himalayan odyssey will encounter you with three challenging high passes: Kongma La (5,535 meters), Cho La (5,420 meters) and Renjo La (5,360 meters). This unique and thrilling trekking endeavor in the backwood mountain area is the ultimate test of your physical endurance and mental determination. However, this profound sense of accomplishment and achievement of conquering all three high passes with the splendid mountain views at the backdrop is an unparalleled adventure experience.

Table of Contents

The exhilarating exploration of the Everest region and its glorious Himalayan ranges by crossing three adventurous mountain passes is a perfect way to challenge your limits and expand your horizons. Besides reaching the Everest Base Camp, visiting turquoise Gokyo Lakes and hiking to Kalapatthar and Gokyo Ri viewpoints add to the overall adventure of the trek.

Everest Three Passes Trek Map

Everest Three Passes Trek in Nutshell

  • Visiting the historical and cultural UNESCO World Heritage Sites during the sightseeing day in Kathmandu
  • A scenic short flight between Kathmandu and Lukla at the start and end of the journey, along with magnificent views of the hills, valleys and Himalayas
  • Trekking through the lush and diverse biodiversity of the Sagarmatha National Park, a natural UNESCO World Heritage Site
  • Deep insights into the wide variety of enchanting flora and vegetation of the region and catching the rare glimpses of several birds and wildlife species
  • Crossing numerous Himalayan rivers via widely spanning and swaying suspension bridges adorned with colorful prayer flags fluttering with cool breezes
  • Breathtaking views of several gratifying snow coated Himalayan peaks, such as Lhotse, Everest, Nuptse, Ama Dablam, Thamserku, Cholotse, Taboche, Kangtega, Cho Oyu, Pumori, Kongde Ri, Makalu, Baruntse, Lobuche, Island, Mera and more
  • Passing through the diverse, alluring landscapes of the breathtaking Everest region, such as colorful rhododendron forests teeming with birds, traditional villages with terraced farmlands, vibrant hills, deep valleys, cascading rivers and waterfalls, wide pastures and meadows, snowfields, glacier moraines and more.
  • Spending a day resting and acclimatizing at the vibrant Sherpa town of Namche Bazaar
  • Visiting and exploring the ancient Buddhist Monastery of Tengboche, which is the most significant and biggest in the Everest region. The views of the surrounding mountains from the height of Tengboche Monastery are breathtaking.
  • Reaching the classic Everest Base Camp, the foothills of the world’s tallest mountain
  • Experiencing the majestic presence of Mount Everest from the Everest Base Camp and relishing the astounding vistas of Khumbu Icefall and Khumbu Glacier
  • Navigation of the three challenging high mountain passes of Cho La, Kongma La and Renjo La in the Everest region with the views of towering peaks at the backdrop
  • Traversing the longest Himalayan glacier, Ngozumpa Glacier, on the way to the Gokyo Lakes
  • Venturing into the hidden Gokyo Valley and visiting the pristine glacial Gokyo Lakes with turquoise shimmering and reflective waters, surrounded by Himalayan giants
  • Scaling the vantage point of Gokyo Ri Peak and marveling at the stunning 360 degree panorama of the surrounding mountains, Ngozumpa Glacier, Gokyo Lakes, deep valleys and more
  • Ascending the high altitude Kalapatthar viewpoint to witness the magical golden sunrise over the white hues Himalayas and also the sweeping panorama of the mountains

How Hard is the Three Passes Trek?

The Three Passes Trek is a long duration Himalayan adventure that usually takes 18 to 21 days to complete. Trekking at higher altitudes for an extensive period presents both physical and mental challenges. To overcome consecutive trek days for about three weeks period is undoubtedly tiring for both body and mind.

The total duration of this adventurous trek is around 200 kilometers with approximately 10 to 12 kilometers of walking during each day trek. On average, to cover the daily trekking distance, you will have to walk for around 6 to 8 hours. This requires a reasonable level of physical fitness and stamina, along with high endurance capacity. Moreover, the trails are complex, such as rugged, glaciated, high passes, glaciers, falling rocks, steep, dusty, loose gravel, snowy and icy with numerous ascents and descents. So, the challenging adventure of Everest Three Passes Trek is mainly for experienced trekkers who are habitual for walking on mountainous routes over extended periods.

Throughout the trekking journey, you will gain 500 meters to 800 meters of elevation daily. If you are an inexperienced trekker, it can be challenging to reach certain heights each day. To reach the significant altitudes is also difficult without proper rest and acclimatization. You might not be able to push yourself to the highest altitude of the entire trek, Kalapatthar, if you have never hiked before. So, having previousexperiences in alpine trekking is beneficial during this daredevil undertaking in the high mountains.

Furthermore, crossing the high passes with ascending and descending routes possibly covered with snow can be a tough experience for beginner trekkers. The trails leading to the top of three passes are less trodden and wilderness. They are hard to traverse, including narrow ridges, steep rocks potentially covered with snow, icy cliffs and loose sand. Despite challenges, the adventurous undertaking of crossing all three passes will treat you to the enthralling vistas of deep valleys, glacier moraines and lofty Himalayas on all sides, enriching your trekking experience tenfold.

Best Time for Everest Three Pass Trek

What Makes Everest Three Pinnacles Trek Difficult?

The Three Pass Crossing

Renjo La Pass connects two wonderful valleys in the Everest region, Thame and Gokyo. Following our Everest Three Passes Trek itinerary, you will navigate this pass while heading from Lungden to Gokyo. Crossing Renjo La Pass is tiring and demands excessive physical exertion. Moreover, you also have to traverse through its partial segments of ice and snow trails.

Cho La Pass serves as a bridge between Gokyo Valley and Khumbu Valley. Among all three Everest region high Passes, this pass is considered technically challenging, with trails composed of loose rocks, vertical cliffs and ice and snow slopes. The navigation of Cho La Pass requires the use of crampons as its slopes can be potentially slippery. Most of all, on the way to Cho La Pass, you will have to first navigate a glacier. The walk over the melting ice of a glacier is challenging, so you have to start early in the morning and finish traversing it before the sun rises higher and becomes more intense.

Kongma La Pass links Chukhung Valley to Lobuche Valley. During our adventurous journey of the Three Passes Trek, we will cross Kongma La Pass on the way from Lobuche to Dingboche. Among all three passes, Kongma La has the highest elevation of 5,535 meters. The breathtaking height of Kongma La makes it difficult to cross, making you susceptible to altitude sickness. Having said that not only Komgma La Pass is challenging to navigate because of high elevations, but the rest of the other two are also above 5,300 meters. So, the physical demands and possibility of altitude sickness remain the same in all of them.

Note: Begin early for the navigation of three passes to avoid strong high winds.

Unpredictable Weather and Fluctuating Temperature

Regardless of what time of the year it is, the weather at the alpine Himalayan locations is usually unpredictable. There is no guarantee when a cozy sunny day turns gloomy and wet with dark rain clouds looming in the sky. The weather and temperature at peak trekking and mountaineering seasons of spring and autumn are quite stable and conducive. However, carrying on the Himalayan journey of the Everest Three Passes trek during the off seasons of winter and summer/monsoon can encounter several weather related challenges.

During the Three Passes Trek, you will experience huge climatic variations, ranging from tropical to alpine. The frequently challenging mountain weather and significantly dropping temperatures at higher elevations pose an extra challenge during your alpine journey. The unstable weather at higher altitudes potentially invites stronger winds, heavy snowfall, blizzards, fogs, etc, adding both visibility and navigation complexities. The intense coldness, especially during the morning and nightime, in the alpine altitude is also a concerning factor. To combat the unbearable freezing temperature in the high altitude environment, you need to be equipped with warm layers of clothes.

The flights from Lukla and Kathmandu can be postponed due to uncertain mountain weather. So, keep weather updates to make informed decisions during the journey. It is recommended to start early during the everyday adventure to make the most out of the good weather, as there can be cloud covers and afternoon winds in the later part of the day. While trekking in the high Himalayan regions, you should have some extra days to cover the journey if it is delayed by weather interruptions.

Everest Three Passes Trek Map

Remoteness and Limited Facilities

Everest region is one of the most remote and secluded Himalayan locations. While you may have been habitual of the luxurious lifestyle, you cannot expect the same during your wilderness adventure of Everest Three Passes Trek.

During the trek, you will venture deep into the remote Himalayas with fewer settlements and limited basic facilities. While the facilities along the main Everest Base Camp Trek route are relatively well developed, the less frequented Thame and Gokyo Valley have very few teahouses and amenities. So, you will have to prepare yourself to be able to adapt to the simple lifestyle and bring the necessary amenities to ensure your own comfort and wellbeing.

Note: Advanced facilities such as internet and hot showers are provided by the teahouses in most of the lower region villages but you need to make an additional payment to use those services.

Altitude Sickness

Altitude sickness is a major difficulty factor during adventurous high altitude journey of Everest Three Passes. The prime cause of altitude sickness is ascending too fast or rushing during the trek. The air density decreases as we scale more to the alpine elevations. The oxygen in the thinning air is relatively low, which leads to the threat of altitude sickness. So, you should avoid walking quickly during your trekking days. Rather, take a slow and relaxed pace, allowing your body to adapt to oxygen levels of new heights.

This mountain sickness can be seen even in physically fit and healthy people. While some people are more susceptible to it, others are not. The possibility of altitude sickness increases after crossing 2,500 meters of elevation. However, during your Himalayan endeavor, you will reach several high altitude elevation points, which carry a high risk of getting affected by altitude sickness. The Everest Three Passes Trek will take you to significant elevation points during the journey, which are:

  • Renjo La Pass (5,360 meters/17,585 feet)
  • Cho La Pass (5,420 meters/17,782 feet)
  • Kongma La Pass ( 5,535 meters/18,159 feet)
  • Everest Base Camp (5,364 meters/17,598 feet)
  • Kalapatthar (5,550 meters/18207 feet)
  • Gokyo Ri (5,357 meters/17,575 feet)

Besides these, you will spend many days at over 3,000 meters of elevation during your Everest Three Passes trekking journey. So, you may experience several altitude symptoms that can cause discomfort to continue on your adventurous endeavor. The common symptoms of altitude sickness are:

  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Shortness on breathing
  • Sleeping difficulty
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Rapid heartbeat

If you notice any of the above altitude sickness symptoms, descend quickly to the lower familiar elevations. Stay there until the symptoms fade away and only continue to trek further after being fully recovered.

The major causes of altitude sickness

  • The reduced air pressure and oxygen levels at the higher locations
  • Pacing too fast or ascending quickly to alpine elevations
  • Dehydration exacerbates altitude sickness as the body loses more water due to increased respiratory functions while ascending to higher elevations.

Mitigating measures for altitude sickness

  • Maintaining good hydration by drinking enough water and other healthy liquids
  • Following an effective acclimatization strategy by incorporating more rest days into the itinerary to allow ample time for the body to adjust to the rising altitude
  • Eating freshly cooked healthy foods and a nutritious diet
  • Staying away from smoking and alcoholic beverages
  • Ensuring proper rest and sleep to recover and acclimatize better

Everest Three Passes Trek Map

Tips to Minimize the Everest Three Passes Trek Difficulty

Choosing Ideal Trekking Season

It is essential to choose the right time for trekking in the mountains, which will provide you with optimal conditions for your outdoor adventures. The best time to go for the high altitude endeavor of the Everest Three Passes trek is during the favorable months of March, April and May in spring and September, October and November in autumn. Following are the reasons why you should choose spring and autumn for your Everest Three Passes Trek

  • Spring is the pre monsoon time and autumn is the post monsoon period. Both these seasons present a dry climate, being far from the heavy monsoon rain.
  • Temperature is moderate at this time, which will allow for comfortable walks without sweating in heat or freezing in cold.
  • Weather is stable and there are no extreme conditions like high winds, rainfall, snowfall, blizzards, etc, facilitating easy, smooth and enriching trekking adventures.
  • The sky is clear, deep blue and sunny, providing uninterrupted views of the Himalayan giants.
  • The air is fresh and the atmosphere is clean (no dust or hazes), promoting visibility and sharpness in the mountainous surroundings.

Acclimatizing Well

During our Everest Three Passes Trek, we will spend adequate time at the strategic altitude point of Namche Bazaar (3,440 meters /11,286 feet) before ascending further into the higher elevations. This is because the chance of altitude sickness increases after going up from 2,500 meters of elevation. The air pressure drops and the availability of oxygen molecules is considerably less at elevated regions. Early acclimatization will ensure a good adaptation to the depleting air and oxygen levels of the increasing altitudes. So, even if you are an experienced trekker and used to doing high altitude treks, you should incorporate acclimatization during the Himalayan travel.

Physically and Mental Preparation

You are in a test of your physical power while undergoing the challenging adventure of the Everest Three Passes Trek. The routes of this mountain endeavor are characterized by steep rocks, vertical cliffs, narrow ridges and ice and snow slopes. You need to have proper strength and endurance capacity to trek in rugged terrains and high altitudes.

To prepare for the long day walks during the journey, you can start by going on short hikes to the nearby hills on local trails. Hiking with a loaded backpack on ascending and descending routes will make you familiar with the upcoming adventure in the mountain. Incorporate gym training into your workout plan that will help to build up the muscle and bones required to tackle the rugged Himalayan terrains.

Prepare your body not to be exhausted easily and quickly by engaging in strength and cardiovascular workouts several weeks prior to the start of the journey. Running, skipping, swimming, cycling, dancing, stair climbing, squats, deadlifts, wall sits, lunges, pushups, planks, chin up, etc, help with blood circulation, flexibility, efficient breathing and muscle buildup.

Besides, being mentally strong is crucial for the long, thrilling adventure of Everest Three Passes Trek. Mental readiness and resilience are important in dealing with and overcoming difficulties and continuing on the journey. So, do not pressurize or stress out; rather, focus on immersing and relishing the journey entirely.

Staying Hydrated

Carry a refillable water bottle to fill it with water over and over again. A thermal bottle will do good as it helps to keep the water warm and lets you enjoy a soothing drink in the chilly mountain environment. Hydrate yourself properly before the start of the trek and continue on as much as you can throughout the journey. Drink at least 3 to 4 liters of water during your per day trek. Well hydration helps to regulate the body temperature and ensure its optimal function and performance. It also helps you keep the altitude sickness at bay.

Packing the Right Clothes and Gear

The Everest Three Passes Trek will take you from the lowland tropical climates to temperate mid hills and finally to the frigid alpine altitudes. So, before embarking on this adventurous mountain endeavor, you should pack your backpack well with appropriate gear and clothes. Right and proper packing helps you to accommodate the varying weather and temperature ranges encountered during the journey. It upgrades your comfort, well being and travel experience in the wilderness of the Himalayas.

Carry a high quality waterproof or quick drying backpack and distribute the weight of packing evenly. Organize the required trek essential in your backpack in such a way that it would be comfortable while carrying and allow for quick access to the most frequently used items. Don't exaggerate your packing by including unnecessary items that will increase your backpack weight. Ensure all the necessary gear is packed light for carrying comfortably. Include layer clothing, sturdy footwear, a first aid kit, required documents, hygiene and toiletry items, high energy snacks, water bottles, a camera and more.

Opting for Organized Trips with Guides and Porters

Purchase a comprehensive Everest Three Passes trekking package from a registered and authorized trekking agency. We are dedicated to providing excellent services to our clients and are experts in crafting customized itineraries for your personalized trekking experience. With our fine tuned itineraries, you can enjoy this Himalayan odyssey at your own time and pace, with desired highlights along the way. We will provide you with well organized trips by making the availability of permits, transportation, accomodation, food, guides, porters and other essential logistics required during the journey. This will help you enjoy your ideal Himalayan vacation to the fullest without being worried about anything.

Trekking With Guides and Porters

Guides will help you reach your destination successfully without complexities along the way. They assist in traversing the remote and unfamiliar mountainous routes safely. They will let you continue on the journey only after determining that you have properly acclimatized. Guides are well known about the weather patterns and potential hazards that you might go through. So, they will lead you through safe routes to enrich your trekking experiences while minimizing the risks. Guides will also provide factual information and deep insights into the natural and cultural highlights that come the way.

Likewise, a porter will make your strenuous Everest Three Passes trekking journey easy by freeing you from the loads of heavy backpacks. They will carry your baggage and let you enjoy the adventure entirely, being open and free.

You might like to check: Everest three pass trek map.



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