Best Time For Everest Three Pass Trek

  • Admin
  • Last Updated on Aug 5, 2024

Everest Three Pass Trek is a magnificent adventure that offers enchanting views of alluring vistas of the Everest Region. During this exhilarating journey, you will cross Kongma La (5,535 m), Cho La (5,420 m), and Renjo La (5,360 m), trekking through the diverse terrains of the Everest Region.

Everest Three Pass Trek is known as one of the most adventurous treks, as you will cross the three high passes of the Everest Region through steep uphill paths. Selecting the best time for the Everest Three Pass Trek allows you to complete the trek in the most convenient way while getting the maximum perks.

There are four main seasons in Nepal (Summer/Monsoon, Spring, Autumn, and Winter), and Spring and Autumn are regarded as the best time for Everest Three Pass Trek. The mountain views are phenomenal during spring and autumn. Embarking on the journey in Spring and Autumn offers the ideal trekking conditions, and you can witness the panoramic views of Everest, Lhotse, Pumori, Nuptse, and many more surrounding peaks.

Every season offers unique, invigorating experiences. In this post, let's learn about what Everest Three Pass Trek is like in each season.

Table of Contents

Spring (March, April and May)

Everest Three High Passes Trek Grade

Spring is considered one of the perfect times to go for the Everest Three Pass Trek. During the spring season, the temperature is moderate, and the trails are filled with beautiful blooming rhododendrons. The landscapes are stunning and vibrant during the spring which presents the picturesque scenery. The weather is stable, and the chances of facing weather-related challenges are low.

The atmosphere during spring is delightful, and daylight hours are long, which offers beautiful views of snow-capped mountains, hills, rivers, and valleys. During the Everest Three Pass trek, you will have to ascend through the steep section to make it to the top of the high passes. Going on the trek in spring offers excellent trail conditions which allows you to cross the passes with high convenience and also ensures safety.

Tips for Everest Three Pass Trek in Spring

  • Stay hydrated and have nutritious food throughout the trek.
  • The morning and night times in the higher zones are cold, so pack warm clothes.
  • You should book the trip earlier, to secure a good accommodation. Spring is a peak trekking season, and when you book the trip in advance you can get an opportunity to stay at the finest teahouses along the trail.

Autumn (September, October and November)

Everest three high pass trekking

Autumn is considered the ideal time for the Everest Three Pass Trek. During the autumn, the temperature is mild, and the skies are clear, which presents unobstructed views of the snow-clad mountains. The autumn atmosphere is refreshing as the humidity level is low and the air is crisp. There are fewer clouds in the sky, and you can witness the majestic views of hills and alluring mountains. The sky is deep blue, and visibility is excellent, which enhances your sightseeing experience.

Going for the Everest Three Pass Trek Autumn is very special and rewarding as it offers a fascinating and clearest view of iconic mountains like Everest, Lhotse, Ama Dablam, and Thamserku. In addition, the crystal clear view of Gokyo Lake, surrounded by the majestic peaks, can be seen during autumn, which is phenomenal to witness.

One of the major perks of embarking on the Everest Three Pass Trek is autumn is stable weather. When the weather is stable, you can complete the trek smoothly while also enjoying the spectacular views of the enchanting landscapes. The trails are dry in the autumn season, and you can reach the predetermined destination in time and complete the trek as intended.

Tips for Everest Three Pass Trek in Autumn

  • During the first two weeks of September, there are chances of rainfall, so carry rain jackets.
  • Autumn is a peak season for trekking, so booking the accommodations in advance is highly recommended.
  • Make sure to trek through the designated pathways only.
  • Stay well-hydrated during the journey.
  • The Everest Region is the most beautiful in autumn, so make sure to capture beautiful pictures of enchanting landscapes and ethereal mountains.

Summer/ Monsoon (June, July and August)

Best Season for the Everest Three High Passes Trek

Trekking in the Summer/Monsoon season is rewarding as well as challenging. The landscapes are lush, and when the weather is clear, mesmerizing views of hills and mountains are seen. The trails in the summer/monsoon season are less crowded, which allows you to trek in a peaceful atmosphere.

The environment is refreshing after the rainfall. The distinct scenery of floating clouds in the sky and misty mountains can be seen during the summer/monsoon season. However, it is important to note that there are certain challenges, and a good level of preparation is required to complete the Everest Three Pass Trek in summer/monsoon.

Challenges of Everest Three Pass Trek in Summer/ Monsoon

Slippery and Muddy Trails

In summer/ monsoon season, the paths can be slippery and muddy because of the rainfall, which can make trekking challenging. The wet trails can also lead to slips and injuries. You have to wear a sturdy and comfortable hiking boots with a good ankle support to traverse through such paths. Similarly, navigation can be time-consuming as trekking through the muddy trail requires more time compared to the dry trails.

Bugs and Leeches

One of the major challenges of embarking on the trek in the summer/ monsoon season is the presence of bugs and leeches along the trail, especially in the forested area. The leeches get attached to the skin and cause discomfort to the trekkers. So, you have to be careful while traversing, and if it gets attached to your skin, you should flick it away gently while staying calm.

Low Visibility

The low visibility is one of the major concerns while trekking in the summer/monsoon season. The rain and fog can reduce visibility, which can interrupt the journey. When the visibility is poor, the flights to the starting point of the Everest Three Pass trek, which is Lukla, can be canceled or rescheduled, which makes the journey more time-consuming. Trekkers may not be able to witness the clear views of the mountains because of the presence of clouds in the sky, which also adds to the challenge.

Tips for Everest Three Pass Trek in Summer/ Monsoon

  • Make sure to pack insect repellent.
  • Wear waterproof trekking boots with excellent ankle support while trekking.
  • Be ready for changes in the itinerary if the weather doesn’t look favorable.
  • It is important to be cautious while traversing through the steep parts of the trail.
  • Check weather forecasts regularly, and only trek after ensuring the trail conditions are good.
  • Always follow the advice of your guide. They are familiar with the terrains and weather conditions and will always provide you with the right guidance, which will help you in navigation and also the completion of the trek successfully.
  • Maintaining proper hydration and nutrition is crucial for staying fresh and energized throughout the journey.

Winter (December, January and February)

During the winter season, the views of snowy peaks are the most beautiful as they are covered with a dense layer of snow. The trails are quiet and peaceful as there are fewer people visiting the Everest Region in this season. The ethereal beauty of winter wonderland can be seen in this season. The skies are crystal clear in winter months, and you can witness the unobstructed view of the deep valleys and majestic Himalayan peaks even from the distance, which fills your heart with wonder and joy.

While there are numerous rewards of the Everest Three Pass Trek in winter, you should also be well-informed about the challenges and embark on the journey with proper preparation.

Everest Three Pass Trek Challenges in Winter

Is Everest Three High Passes Trek Suitable For Me

Difficulty in Navigation

During the winter season, the paths, especially in the higher elevations, are covered with snow, so navigation can be challenging. Because of the snowfall, the trails can be slippery, increasing the risk of falls. Similarly, when the region gets heavy snow, the routes can get blocked, causing interruptions in the trek. As trekking through such paths can be challenging, it is highly advisable that you be cautious and take care of every step to ensure a safe and secure journey.

Cold weather

Everest Region is the coldest in winter. The temperature is low, and trekking in such weather can be daunting for many. The strong winds in the high-altitude zones add to the challenge and can make traversing difficult. Trekking in such cold weather requires more time than usual and also affects performance. So, to handle the extremely cold weather of winter, you need to wear warm layered clothing while trekking to stay protected and complete the trek successfully.

Heavy Backpack

The extreme cold of winter requires you to pack heavy and warm clothes, so your backpack might be heavier compared to other seasons. Packing several layers of clothes and insulated boots is important while trekking in winter for handing the extreme cold. While trekking in winter is manageable by being prepared and well-equipped with essentials, packing and carrying heavy bags can be one of the challenging parts, which requires more effort and time.

Tips for Everest Three Pass Trek in Winter

  • The days in winter are shorter, so you should begin the trek early.
  • Do not trek in adverse weather conditions; make sure to check the weather forecast.
  • A high-quality sleeping bag is required in winter to ensure warmth and comfort. So, pack a high-quality sleeping bag.
  • Stay hydrated and maintain a balanced diet throughout the journey.
  • Some sections of the terrain are covered with snow during winter, so make sure to navigate carefully while watching your every step.
  • Make sure to inquire about the accommodation availability before embarking on the trek.
  • Carry ice axes and crampons for navigating through the snow covered paths of the trail.

Accommodation During the Everest Three Pass Trek

How to Cope with Altitude Sickness

During the Everest Three Pass Trek, you will mostly stay in teahouses and lodges. Most of the teahouses provide a room with a bed, mattress, pillow, and warm blankets and you will have a comfortable stay.

During the peak seasons (Autumn and Spring), many people visit the Everest Region, so you should book the teahouses in advance for a secure journey. In off-seasons (Summer/monsoon and winter), the region gets relatively fewer visitors. However, the journey feels more secure when you inquire about accommodation availability and book in advance. Most of the teahouses along the trail also provide wifi and hot shower facilities for which you have to pay extra.

The teahouses also serve warm and hearty meals, which helps you stay energized throughout the journey. Trekkers usually have breakfast and dinner in the teahouses, where they stay and have lunch in one of the teahouses along the trail. The most popular and common dish that is served in many teahouses is Dal Bhat. It is preferred by many trekkers as it is warm and fulfilling. Other popular dishes that are served along the trail are Pasta, Fried Rice, Noodles, Soup, Porridge, Bread, Eggs etc.

If you book with us, we will arrange the accommodation and

Packing Recommendations for Everest Three Pass Trek

Trekking Gear & Equipment for Trekking in Nepal

The Everest Three Pass Trek is a long-term trek, and it is usually completed in around 18-20 days. You will trek for several days, covering long distances by foot. There are important items that you must pack when you are venturing into high-altitude adventures. The packing must be done considering the season.

As the higher zones are mostly cold, you should pack warm clothes. In the Autumn and Spring seasons, the weather in the daytime is moderate, so you can pack comfortable trekking shirts and pants. However, the nights and mornings are usually chilly, especially in the higher zones, so packing warm clothes is also necessary.

Down Jackets, thermal wear, scarves, gloves, and socks should be included in your baggage every season. Similarly, it is also highly advisable to pack rain gear in all seasons because the weather in the higher zones fluctuates rapidly. In the summer/ monsoon season, there are frequent downpours, so make sure to pack quick-drying clothes, moisture-wicking socks, and a waterproof back cover. During summer/monsoon season, the leeches and bugs are also often seen, so you must pack insect repellent.


In the winter, the Everest Region is the coldest, so you should dress in layers and pack Woolen caps, good-quality sleeping bags, and Fleece Jackets to keep yourself warm. Packing crampons and ice axes can help you navigate through the snow-covered and icy paths.

Other Essential Items required for every season:

  • First Aid Box
  • Hiking Boots
  • Sun Hats
  • Water Bottle
  • Water Proof and Windproof Jackets.
  • Water Purification Tablets
  • Tissues and Wetwipes
  • Undergarments
  • Tissues and Wet Wipes
  • Toothbrush and Toothpaste
  • Sleeping Bag
  • Trekking Poles
  • Flashlights
  • Headlamps
  • A backpack
  • Sanitizer
  • Towel
  • Medicines (Paracetamol and Painkillers)
  • Camera
  • Cash
  • Map
  • High Energy Snacks and Bars

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What Factors Should You Evaluate When Choosing the Right Time for Everest Three Pass Trek?

Safety Considerations

Safety should always be priotirized when choosing your time for the Everest Three Pass Trek. You should research and make the decision by analyzing all the aspects. When you do proper research, you can learn about the possible risks of every season and then select the time that ensures a secure journey.

During the Everest Three Pass Trek, you will walk in the wavy, rugged, and uneven terrains of the Everest Region for several days. While the trek is exhilarating and rewarding, the safety factors should also be kept as a high priority.

When you are up for high altitude adventures, there are also certain risks that are that may occur during the journey. Frequent weather fluctuations are one of the major risks that can lead to trip disruption and affect the trek, or any unexpected event can occur during the trek. The weather is stable in the preferred and recommended season, and the risk of occurrence of any unforeseen events is also rare so, so selecting the peak season is a wise decision.

Physical Fitness and Trekking Experience

The personal level of physical fitness and experience should be considered when choosing the right time for the Everest Three Pass Trek. Traversing in the peak seasons is relatively easier and less challenging than in the off-season. The slippery trails in summer and snow-covered trails in winter require more effort compared to the favorable trail conditions of the spring and summer.

Similarly, If you have prior experience traversing in off-seasons and have enough stamina, then you may handle the challenges that are common during this season. However, if you do not have experience trekking in the off-season and aren’t familiar with the trekking conditions, then traversing can be challenging. So, the time to embark on a journey should only selected after evaluating the personal fitness level.

Interest, Goal, and Preference

You should select your time for the Everest Three Pass Trek on the basis of your interests, goals, and preferences. Every season is unique and provides different experiences. You can select your time, considering what you wish to see during the trek. For example, if you wish to see the clear views of mountains in excellent weather conditions, then autumn might be the ideal choice for you. Similarly, you can embark on the journey in spring if you want to witness the Everest region when the landscapes are decorated with vibrant blooming rhododendrons and wildflowers. Selecting a time by considering your preference and interest helps you to get the maximum perks of the journey and also feel accomplished.

Trail Condition of Each Season

The condition of the terrain in each season is one of the important things that should be considered when selecting the time for the trek. When the trails are dry then you can complete the trek smoothly. So, you should research what the trail condition is like in each season and make the decision accordingly. Choosing a time when trail conditions are favorable will allow you to have a convenient and enjoyable journey.



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